23 May 2006

Reiman vs Alfa - A continuation Update

Having said that I would be posting light - this beauty dropped in to my feed reader this morning.

The truth will out.

I'll update when I find a link to the news in English.  And here it is courtesy of The New Russia Corporatism.

A Swiss business arbitration tribunal has ruled that Russian Telecommunications Minister Leonid Reiman used money-laundering schemes in a bid to purchase a stake in mobile phone network operator OAO Megafon.

“The tribunal's decision has confirmed that the only beneficiary of the Bermuda-based IPOC fund and its alleged option over a 25 percent stake in MegaFon is Reiman,” said LV, which has been embroiled in a dispute with IPOC over the stake for nearly three years, in a statement late Monday.

It also said that the Zurich tribunal found that the money used by IPOC to make the down payments on the stake option payments had been “criminally sourced”.

The financial-industrial holding Alfa Group, now the owner of LV, was accused of using “bribery and corruption” to try to derail the legal proceedings.
Свидетель № 7 - Арбитраж Цюриха признал его бенефициаром IPOC:
Свидетель № 7Свидетель № 7, в котором легко узнается министр связи Леонид Рейман, организовал незаконные сделки, деньгами от которых пытался оплатить акции “Мегафона” бермудский фонд IPOC, и сам был конечным бенефициаром этого фонда и еще ряда офшоров – это говорится в решении арбитражного трибунала в Цюрихе. Вчера арбитраж отказал IPOC в притязаниях на 19,4% акций “Мегафона” – большую часть блокпакета сотовой компании, который летом 2003 г. приобрела “Альфа-групп”.

[composed and posted with ecto]

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23 May 2006

Reiman vs Alfa - A continuation Update

Having said that I would be posting light - this beauty dropped in to my feed reader this morning.

The truth will out.

I'll update when I find a link to the news in English.  And here it is courtesy of The New Russia Corporatism.

A Swiss business arbitration tribunal has ruled that Russian Telecommunications Minister Leonid Reiman used money-laundering schemes in a bid to purchase a stake in mobile phone network operator OAO Megafon.

“The tribunal's decision has confirmed that the only beneficiary of the Bermuda-based IPOC fund and its alleged option over a 25 percent stake in MegaFon is Reiman,” said LV, which has been embroiled in a dispute with IPOC over the stake for nearly three years, in a statement late Monday.

It also said that the Zurich tribunal found that the money used by IPOC to make the down payments on the stake option payments had been “criminally sourced”.

The financial-industrial holding Alfa Group, now the owner of LV, was accused of using “bribery and corruption” to try to derail the legal proceedings.
Свидетель № 7 - Арбитраж Цюриха признал его бенефициаром IPOC:
Свидетель № 7Свидетель № 7, в котором легко узнается министр связи Леонид Рейман, организовал незаконные сделки, деньгами от которых пытался оплатить акции “Мегафона” бермудский фонд IPOC, и сам был конечным бенефициаром этого фонда и еще ряда офшоров – это говорится в решении арбитражного трибунала в Цюрихе. Вчера арбитраж отказал IPOC в притязаниях на 19,4% акций “Мегафона” – большую часть блокпакета сотовой компании, который летом 2003 г. приобрела “Альфа-групп”.

[composed and posted with ecto]

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