29 June 2007

Corruption - An Update

The joy of corruption is that it is a double-edged sword; one side cuts you, the other others (as it were.)

Sometime between 20.30 last night and 11.00 this morning (opening time for any respectable Russian businessman) the Chinovnik holdout in our building had been convinced by the guys who bought the top floor, and are funding the remont, that he was in favour of the remont.

But the Investors (as we shall call them) were being a little shy about living up to the contractual promises they had made about the work they intend to do on the building in which I live.  So a quick call later and the threat of calling out the "administrative resources" to prevent work starting Monday and all the documents will arrive in my office later today :-)

Which may, or may not, lead to a longer conversation about lines between acceptable and unacceptable business behaviour.  To be honest I have been here too long to differentiate.  Did I ever tell you the story about the factory, the famous investors and the judge - no.  Buy me more than 8 beers and we will see where we get to. 

I'll tell you Tuesday (maybe) what it is like having 5 tonnes of cement pored in to your foundations.

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29 June 2007

Corruption - An Update

The joy of corruption is that it is a double-edged sword; one side cuts you, the other others (as it were.)

Sometime between 20.30 last night and 11.00 this morning (opening time for any respectable Russian businessman) the Chinovnik holdout in our building had been convinced by the guys who bought the top floor, and are funding the remont, that he was in favour of the remont.

But the Investors (as we shall call them) were being a little shy about living up to the contractual promises they had made about the work they intend to do on the building in which I live.  So a quick call later and the threat of calling out the "administrative resources" to prevent work starting Monday and all the documents will arrive in my office later today :-)

Which may, or may not, lead to a longer conversation about lines between acceptable and unacceptable business behaviour.  To be honest I have been here too long to differentiate.  Did I ever tell you the story about the factory, the famous investors and the judge - no.  Buy me more than 8 beers and we will see where we get to. 

I'll tell you Tuesday (maybe) what it is like having 5 tonnes of cement pored in to your foundations.

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