05 October 2005

What's worrying Russians?

Yuri Levada has published the results of a recent survey which only go to show that the question put correctly elicits the response that the questioner is after. Hat tip to Siberian Light for the translation.

If you read other surveys then the concerns would have been terrorism, corruption and immigration.......

Only shows you cannot trust marketing and PR - just ask my wife

August 15, 2005

In July 2005, the Yuri Levada Analytical Center (Levada Center) conducted a survey of 2107 Russians. One of the questions was "Which of the following social problems concern you the most, which do you consider the most acute?" Respondents could choose up to 5 or 6 [sic] answers.

1. Growth of prices [inflation] - 71%

2. Poverty, the impoverishment of the majority of the population - 53%

3. The growth of unemployment - 39%

4. Economic crisis, falling industrial and agricultural productivity - 33%

5. Increasing crime rate - 29%

6-7. Inaccessibility/unaffordibility of many forms of medical treatment - 29%

6-7. Growth of drug abuse - 29%

8. Growing cost/inaffordability of education - 27%

9. Sharp division [of society] into wealthy and poor, inequitable income distribution - 27%

10. Corruption and bribe-taking - 24%

11. Crisis in the areas of ethics, culture, and morality - 22%

12. Deterioration of the environment - 17%

13. The threat of explosions and other terrorist acts where you live - 15%

14. The weakness of the government - 11%

15. Abuses of power and the impunity of government officials - 9%

16. The arrival of immigrants and migrant workers - 7%

17. The military campaign in Chechnya - 7%

18. Growth in the rate of AIDS infection - 6%

19. Police brutality - 6%

20. Inability to obtain justice in a court of law - 5%

21. Growth of nationalism, deterioration of inter-ethnic relations - 4%

22. Delays in payment of salaries, pensions, stipends, etc. - 4%

23. Conflicts between different branches of government - 3%

24. Restrictions on civil rights and democratic freedoms (freedom of speech, freedom of the press) - 2%

Other - 1%

Unable to answer - 1%

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05 October 2005

What's worrying Russians?

Yuri Levada has published the results of a recent survey which only go to show that the question put correctly elicits the response that the questioner is after. Hat tip to Siberian Light for the translation.

If you read other surveys then the concerns would have been terrorism, corruption and immigration.......

Only shows you cannot trust marketing and PR - just ask my wife

August 15, 2005

In July 2005, the Yuri Levada Analytical Center (Levada Center) conducted a survey of 2107 Russians. One of the questions was "Which of the following social problems concern you the most, which do you consider the most acute?" Respondents could choose up to 5 or 6 [sic] answers.

1. Growth of prices [inflation] - 71%

2. Poverty, the impoverishment of the majority of the population - 53%

3. The growth of unemployment - 39%

4. Economic crisis, falling industrial and agricultural productivity - 33%

5. Increasing crime rate - 29%

6-7. Inaccessibility/unaffordibility of many forms of medical treatment - 29%

6-7. Growth of drug abuse - 29%

8. Growing cost/inaffordability of education - 27%

9. Sharp division [of society] into wealthy and poor, inequitable income distribution - 27%

10. Corruption and bribe-taking - 24%

11. Crisis in the areas of ethics, culture, and morality - 22%

12. Deterioration of the environment - 17%

13. The threat of explosions and other terrorist acts where you live - 15%

14. The weakness of the government - 11%

15. Abuses of power and the impunity of government officials - 9%

16. The arrival of immigrants and migrant workers - 7%

17. The military campaign in Chechnya - 7%

18. Growth in the rate of AIDS infection - 6%

19. Police brutality - 6%

20. Inability to obtain justice in a court of law - 5%

21. Growth of nationalism, deterioration of inter-ethnic relations - 4%

22. Delays in payment of salaries, pensions, stipends, etc. - 4%

23. Conflicts between different branches of government - 3%

24. Restrictions on civil rights and democratic freedoms (freedom of speech, freedom of the press) - 2%

Other - 1%

Unable to answer - 1%

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