06 September 2006

25 Percent of Russians Have Sex While Driving

Apparently 25 Percent of Russians Have Sex While Driving.  Here are some other facts that the survey did not cover;

  • 95.99% of Russians were unaware that their cars had rear view mirrors
  • 67.34% of drivers are unable to turn the steering wheel and keep their foot on the accelerator at the same time, just be thankful they were not chewing gum
  • 83.21% are unable to change lanes (see rear view mirrors)
  • 75.87% are unable to park (see reversing)
  • 95.34% have never reversed in to a parking space
  • 100.00% believe that that in a game of prisoners dilemma you should shop your fellow prisoners
  • 97% believe that it is legitimate to park in the third lane of a 2 lane road (see Smolenskaya Ploshad outside Kalinka Stockmans and any elitny restaurant. Also see Prisoner's Dilemma)
  • 100% have never heard of not blocking the box (see Prisoner's Dilemma)
Oh the joys of the end of holiday season and the gradual build-up to complete gridlock otherwise known as winter.

“About 25 percent of Russians have had sex while driving, a poll released by KRC Research and Goodyear revealed. And this is just one of the things that make them the worst drivers in Europe.

According to the research, Russians do not use seatbelts, break speed-limits, drive through red lights, drive drunk and have sex while driving much more often than other Europeans do.

The odd thing is they don’t think all this is bad.

According to the poll, 36 percent of Russian drivers regularly cross speed limits. This is the highest rate in Europe, the Delovoi Peterburg newspaper reported. Russians talk on the cell phone while driving more often than drivers in the other 14 European countries polled. About 30 percent of those polled in Russia have driven drunk before.

Russians also do not pay enough attention to their physical condition when they are going to take the wheel. Only 9 percent of those polled in Europe will drive if they don’t feel good in comparison with 23 percent of Russians.

23 percent of drivers in Russia scold others while driving, and another 23 percent can break in centre strip to surpass the other cars. And finally, over 60 percent of those polled in Russia do not check the condition of their tires.”

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06 September 2006

25 Percent of Russians Have Sex While Driving

Apparently 25 Percent of Russians Have Sex While Driving.  Here are some other facts that the survey did not cover;

  • 95.99% of Russians were unaware that their cars had rear view mirrors
  • 67.34% of drivers are unable to turn the steering wheel and keep their foot on the accelerator at the same time, just be thankful they were not chewing gum
  • 83.21% are unable to change lanes (see rear view mirrors)
  • 75.87% are unable to park (see reversing)
  • 95.34% have never reversed in to a parking space
  • 100.00% believe that that in a game of prisoners dilemma you should shop your fellow prisoners
  • 97% believe that it is legitimate to park in the third lane of a 2 lane road (see Smolenskaya Ploshad outside Kalinka Stockmans and any elitny restaurant. Also see Prisoner's Dilemma)
  • 100% have never heard of not blocking the box (see Prisoner's Dilemma)
Oh the joys of the end of holiday season and the gradual build-up to complete gridlock otherwise known as winter.

“About 25 percent of Russians have had sex while driving, a poll released by KRC Research and Goodyear revealed. And this is just one of the things that make them the worst drivers in Europe.

According to the research, Russians do not use seatbelts, break speed-limits, drive through red lights, drive drunk and have sex while driving much more often than other Europeans do.

The odd thing is they don’t think all this is bad.

According to the poll, 36 percent of Russian drivers regularly cross speed limits. This is the highest rate in Europe, the Delovoi Peterburg newspaper reported. Russians talk on the cell phone while driving more often than drivers in the other 14 European countries polled. About 30 percent of those polled in Russia have driven drunk before.

Russians also do not pay enough attention to their physical condition when they are going to take the wheel. Only 9 percent of those polled in Europe will drive if they don’t feel good in comparison with 23 percent of Russians.

23 percent of drivers in Russia scold others while driving, and another 23 percent can break in centre strip to surpass the other cars. And finally, over 60 percent of those polled in Russia do not check the condition of their tires.”

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