The First Post a strange English, as opposed to British, online newspaper, the purpose of which I have yet to fathom, has a piece on Putin's Kanutian desire to restore the Russian language:
The Year of the Russian Language
The problem is apparently that the near abroad prefer their own language and English to Russian and Russian (strange that), and native Russians (whoever they may be - but that's a different topic altogether) have a nasty habit of eating sala, drinking vodka, not having enough sex, too many abortions, dying early and generally being fewer at the end of the year than at the beginning. Not so much a dying language, as a population suffering from a collective heart attack.
If I can give VVP one hint to help the adoption of Russian, and I am not going to get in to the Latinisation of Cyrillic here, it would be the simplification of verbs of motion. I frequently physically fly back and forth to London but grammatically I go, don't come back or come back on a different route having confirmed that I was indeed about to board and return on a BA flight. As you can imagine this causes some concerns with drivers who are trying to arrange when to meet returning flights and with domestic help concerned that you may be about to walk out of Moscow forever. At least it has been some time since I caused concern that I had walked back from wherever I had been.
So VVP please help us poor non-sala eating Russian speakers out by allowing us to simply go and come back; an upgrade at Sheremeytevo wouldn't be amiss whilst you are at it.
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