12 April 2006

Google acquires Dulance, opens R&D in Russia

We are expecting an announcement any day that Google has overcome its localization issues in Russia and will take on the current leading three (Yandex, Rambler and Mail.ru.)  Assuming that they can overcome their own management disfunctionality they should blow them out of the water.  Russia's Internet development has gone nowhere over the past few years - maybe as a result of financial pressure.

Google acquires Dulance, opens R&D in Russia:

Google has announced that it is going to open a research and development centre in Moscow this year. Sergei Burkov, a former CEO of Dulance, an Internet search company, will run the centre. According to sources, Google has acquired Dulance.

Also in Vedomosti:

Google ищет таланты - Компания открывает в Москве центр разработок:
Крупнейшая в мире интернет-компания Google откроет в Москве центр разработок. Его возглавит Сергей Бурков, ранее успевший создать три инновационные IT-компании в США. Эксперты считают, что московский офис займется разработками для глобального рынка, а не локализацией продуктов Google для России.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alistair, here is one more link for you http://www.kupriyanov.ru/2006/04/11/google_nachinaet_rd_v_rf/

12 April 2006

Google acquires Dulance, opens R&D in Russia

We are expecting an announcement any day that Google has overcome its localization issues in Russia and will take on the current leading three (Yandex, Rambler and Mail.ru.)  Assuming that they can overcome their own management disfunctionality they should blow them out of the water.  Russia's Internet development has gone nowhere over the past few years - maybe as a result of financial pressure.

Google acquires Dulance, opens R&D in Russia:

Google has announced that it is going to open a research and development centre in Moscow this year. Sergei Burkov, a former CEO of Dulance, an Internet search company, will run the centre. According to sources, Google has acquired Dulance.

Also in Vedomosti:

Google ищет таланты - Компания открывает в Москве центр разработок:
Крупнейшая в мире интернет-компания Google откроет в Москве центр разработок. Его возглавит Сергей Бурков, ранее успевший создать три инновационные IT-компании в США. Эксперты считают, что московский офис займется разработками для глобального рынка, а не локализацией продуктов Google для России.

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Technorati Tags: ,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alistair, here is one more link for you http://www.kupriyanov.ru/2006/04/11/google_nachinaet_rd_v_rf/