22 December 2005
What is Libjingle?
SIP is cludgy (ask Martin Geddes - it's a Scottish thing) and a very heavy protocol. It wants to eat your cycles and it's not ubiquitous enough for easy end user inter-operability. Until someone develops a better mousetrap it's the one we have. I look forward to the day when my GizmoProject app/softphone will talk to my PC's brethern's GTalk via an intelligble UI. Tell us its a problem and it will take time - we believe you.
But the real point is that Skype was a flash in the pan. I posted a long, long time ago that Skype would make money for its founders but not for its owners. I will place a very large bet that a SIP-based inter-op solution will win out in the long-term - shit I did already. Win is not an economic term for financial investors.
Prediction for 2007; SIP goes mainstream, in the way that Bluetooth now is.
22 December 2005
What is Libjingle?
A post on Google's opening of it's Libjingle; one from the Mr. Malik with a very good post on the AOL/Google deal and then a little update on my favorite (sic) voice app being less than forthcoming about how SIP and GTalk will interoperate. That they will is fantastic, but why not be honest and upfront about the technological challenges. It's not as though the early adopter community don't understand that SIP is not entirely dissimilar to Churchill's view on democracy; Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried.
SIP is cludgy (ask Martin Geddes - it's a Scottish thing) and a very heavy protocol. It wants to eat your cycles and it's not ubiquitous enough for easy end user inter-operability. Until someone develops a better mousetrap it's the one we have. I look forward to the day when my GizmoProject app/softphone will talk to my PC's brethern's GTalk via an intelligble UI. Tell us its a problem and it will take time - we believe you.
But the real point is that Skype was a flash in the pan. I posted a long, long time ago that Skype would make money for its founders but not for its owners. I will place a very large bet that a SIP-based inter-op solution will win out in the long-term - shit I did already. Win is not an economic term for financial investors.
Prediction for 2007; SIP goes mainstream, in the way that Bluetooth now is.
Posted by
The Ruminator
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